Monday, April 15, 2019

skills they don't teach in school (but should)

What if you're by yourself on a rural road without phone reception and you get a flat tire? When you can't call roadside assistance, knowing how to change a tire is a safety skill.

In an age of standardized testing, students are spending more time learning how to fill in a circle with a pencil and less time learning skills that might help them get by — and get ahead — in life.

Here are Eight courses we wish more schools would add to their curriculum:

1. First aid. 

Along with CPR, students should learn other lifesaving skills such as the Heimlich maneuver as well as first aid basics like identifying an allergic reaction, making a splint, preventing infection and bandaging a wound.

 first aid

2. Home repair. 

It's amazing how many tasks there are to do around a house or an apartment. While most of us know how to unclog a toilet or hang a picture on the wall, far fewer of us can fix a drippy sink, change an air conditioner filter or hang a (level) set of shelves.

Home repair

3. Budgeting.

Studies show that the vast majority of people lack the basic financial skills necessary to make important decisions when it comes to their own wallets. So why aren't these skills emphasized in schools? From the first lessons in addition and subtraction to more complex math lessons in percentages and algebraic equations, wouldn't it be nice if word problems focused on real-life skills such as balancing a checkbook or creating a budget rather than whether or not a train leaving Point A ever meets up with a train from Point B?


4. Car repair.

 Even if we're not the drivers, most of us spend a good deal of time in cars each week, so it's important to know skills such as how to jump-start a dead battery, how to check the air pressure in your tires and how to change a flat. Bonus points for classes that go over "simple" skills that many students are ashamed to admit they're unsure about, like pumping gas and checking the oil level.


5. Swimming. 

Roughly 4,000 people die every year from accidental drowning. Most of those victims are under the age of 14. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for every child who dies from drowning, five more are treated in emergency departments for incidents related to drowning. Teaching kids to swim at a young age would go a long way toward minimizing these numbers. Kids who learn to swim possess a useful and potentially lifesaving skill that will be with them forever


6. Self-defense. 

When most people think about self-defense classes they think about learning tricks to break boards with their fists or karate chop their opponent in the side. But self-defense is about teaching kids how to protect themselves: how to prevent bullying, how to identify dangers on the street and how to react in an emergency. Self-defense classes help build confidence by teaching kids they have the power to keep themselves safe.

7. Cooking.

Cooking can be so intimidating to those who have never tried it. But ramen noodles, PB&J and pizza delivery can only get you so far in life. A few generations ago, home economics classes that included cooking and sewing were standard in most schools. But the problem was, they were only offered to girls (while boys took classes in shop and woodworking). Let's bring back home ec for all students so kids can learn how to make nutritious, homemade food for themselves.


8. How to file taxes.

 fix taxes
 Taxes are an annoying but unavoidable fact of life. And Uncle Sam doesn't care if you don't know what you're doing, he just wants his forms submitted along with — if applicable — the appropriate payment every year. If you think kids are too young to learn about filing taxes, you haven't met these Georgia high schoolers who not only learn how to submit their own taxes, they also volunteer to prepare income taxes for low-income residents in their community.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

17 Mind Blowing Inventions You Wish You Owned

People invent crazy gadgets all the time; some are quite out-of-the-box with no rhyme or reason for their creation. They often make you scratch your head in wonder. But, among the crazy inventions, there are also some pretty genius ones as well. We are always looking for things that will make our lives easier and in true form, these awesome devices will certainly do the trick. Here are 17 mind-blowing inventions you wish you owned!

Wearable Mouse

Wearable Mouse

The Air Mouse Wireless wearable mouse was made by Canadian firm Deanmark Ltd. It works by aligning itself with the ligaments of your hand and wrist. It utilizes an optical laser and can run for a week without recharging.

Thanks to this wireless option much of the numbness and pain associated with a regular mouse can be avoided.

Waterproof Touchscreen Keyboard

Waterproof Touchscreen Keyboard

How could you not think this is a super cool invention? I mean, come on, this is a touchscreen keyboard, and if you accidentally spill coffee on it you can just easily wipe up the spill and carry on with your work.

Light-Saber Toasting Knife

Light-Saber Toasting Knife

Throw out your bulky toaster ovens and get with the innovative lightsaber toasting knife. Yes, this is a knife that actually toasts the bread as you cut each slice. How genius is that?

Weight Watch Belt

Weight Watch Belt

I applaud the person who came up with the idea for the weight watch belt. If you really want to keep your diet and exercise regimen on track, then having a constant reminder that your waist is expanding is certainly one way to do it!

Two-Way Toothpaste

Two-Way Toothpaste

Thanks to Dominic Wilcox’ two-way toothpaste now you can squeeze from the top or bottom. The best part? Not one ounce of toothpaste will be wasted!

Suitcase Scooter

Suitcase Scooter

Farmer-turned-inventor, He Liangcai from China came up with the brilliant idea to create a suitcase scooter.

The speedy luggage can go up to 20km per hour. It has 6-hour battery life and can be charged via a regular wall plug. But that’s not all, this suitcase scooter also has a burglar alarm, a horn, and a GPS system.

Butter Stick

Butter Stick

I applaud the person who decided to try and simplify the process of buttering bread.

Namely, Kenji Kawakami from Japan, who created this butter-stick which functions just like a glue stick!

Reusable Candle

Reusable Candle

This was developed by British designer Benjamin Shine, and is actually called the ‘Rekindle Candle.’ The pink candle is inserted onto a holder with a clear plastic tube below which collects the melted wax.

There is a hanging wick at the bottom of the tube and when the candle has been completely burned, the plastic tube casing can be removed and the wax turned upside down, producing a brand new candle.

USB Charging Batteries

USB Charging Batteries

Someone just made life a whole lot easier with these USB charging batteries. Who needs to find a plug when you can simply plug it into your laptop and you’re good to go!

These batteries recharge with any USB port and have a safety circuit which prevents overcharging.

Metal Detector Flip Flops

Metal Detector Flip Flops

Truth be told, if you’re still searching for coins on the beach you might have a little too much time on your hands, but we all have our hobbies.

These metal detector flip flops have a coiled bit built into the sandal, and the battery that powers it is strapped onto your calf. The battery pack alerts you to items buried up to 2 feet below with a gentle vibration or buzz.

Smartphone Keyboard

Smartphone Keyboard

Sometimes it can be quite difficult trying to punch, tap or swipe those tiny letters and symbols on your super sleek smartphone.

But now you don’t have to, at least not all the time. When you’re at home or work the smartphone keyboard definitely comes in handy.

And, there are different options available whether you prefer a fold-able keyboard that you can easily transport, or a multipurpose option that works with your tablet and smartphone, it’s really up to you.

Magic Wand Remote

Magic Wand Remote

Nope, this is not a magic wand — well I suppose it is to some extent. With the magic wand remote, you can use flicks of your wrist to change the channel and big sweeping moves to record your favorite TV show.

The wand can learn up to 13 commands from your old remote and you get to choose which moves control each command.

Touchscreen Gloves

Touchscreen Gloves

You no longer have to worry about the annoyance of trying to use your cellphone while wearing gloves during the cold winter months.

Moshi has launched their ‘digits touchscreen gloves’ so you can stay warm and use your smartphone at the same time. The gloves are fleece lined and have a silicon grip pad so your phone won't slip out of your hand.

USB Microwave Oven

USB Microwave Oven
Okay seriously, when is this one coming out? I’m sure lots of us are waiting with bated breath.

This is the world’s smallest microwave oven, but the best part is that it works with a USB port making it perfect for your office desktop. So you can just plug it into your laptop whenever you need a warm treat.

American food company Heinz showed off the prototype for this invention, but they did not reveal when it will be on the market.

Smart Suitcase

Smart Suitcase

Bluesmart is a smart suitcase that you can control from your smartphone. You can easily lock and unlock it from a distance. It also has a built-in digital scale that lets you know ahead of time whether your bag meets the airline’s weight requirement.

Cup-Holder Charging Station

Cup-Holder Charging Station

Forget about car chargers or power banks, just opt for the cup-holder charging station instead.

This item is actually a cylinder-shaped charger that fits into your vehicle’s cup-holder, but what’s great is that it can quickly and easily charge your phone, tablet and even your camera; simultaneously.

Goggles Umbrella

Goggles Umbrella

This dome shaped umbrella covers your entire head and face, so no more wet hair or ruined makeup…hooray! And thanks to the strategically placed goggles you can safely navigate your way to wherever.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Month of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – Month of Shaban

The Holy Month of Shaban is the 8th month of the Islamic calendar and is one of the fourth sacred months for which we find particular instructions in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Shaban is the 2ndmonth of worship in command to make arrangements for the blessed and magnificent month of Ramadan. The Muslims have come to know the month of Shaban as the month of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Shaban is my month, Rajab is Allah’s month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah. Shaban is expiator, while Ramadan is the purifier.”

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The month of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to fast repeatedly in the month of Shaban. Hazrat Aishah (RA) said: “I never saw the Messenger of Allah fast for a complete month except for Ramadan, and I never saw Him do more fasting in any month than He (SAW) did in the month of Shaban” (Al-Bukhari). The night of absolution or Shab-e-Baraat has its own significance in religion Islam. Shab-e-Baraat is the night of celebration or the night of freedom from Hell’s Fire.

In another hadith Prophet (PBUH) aid related to the significance of the month of Shaban in these words: “People neglect this month which is between Rajab and Ramadan, in this month the actions of the people are presented to Allah; so, I like my deeds to be presented while I am fasting” (Abu Dawood).

15th of Shaban holds great importance in the life of Muslims. Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) described the significance of worship during midnight and fasting in the day in these words: “When the Middle Night of Shaban arrives, you should stand (Praying) in the night and should fast in the day following it”(Ibn Majah). We came to know from this hadith about the importance of fasting on the 15th of Shaban and worship during the night when Allah Almighty forgives whoever seeks forgiveness from Him.


The night Shab-e-Barat. The recitation of the Noble Quran is another form of beneficial worship in this night. After performing Salah, or at any other time, one should recite as much of the Holy Quran as one can. The best benefit one can take from the blessings of this night is by asking Allah sincerely. Dua itself is a form of worship and Allah Almighty rewards those who recite for asking in addition to fulfilling their needs.

The Holy Month of Shaban for different reasons holds great importance in the Islamic calendar. The month of Shaban links up to the blessed month of Ramadan which is why the Holy Prophet (PBUH) loved it so much. In the Holy Month of Shaban Muslims gear up and prepare themselves for the month of fasting to come. May Almighty Allah give us the ability to fast abundantly in this month and committing good deeds to receive pardon and forgiveness. Ameen!

Beliefs and Rewards Of Paradise (Jannat)

Image result for jannah images


Jannah is an abode which Almighty Allah has created for the believers. He has placed such splendors in Jannat, that no eye has ever seen this before and no ear has ever heard of it, and nor has the thought of these splendors even passed through the mind of any person. None can ever experience the true realities and bounties of Jannat (in this world). The only one that has been blessed with experiencing all the bounties and all the beauties of Jannat is the Holy Prophet (sallal Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam).

Whatever has been explained about Jannat, is only to give one an idea of the beauties and splendors of Jannat. The most beautiful things on this earth can not be compared in any way to anything in Jannat. There is no doubt, that nothing can be compared to Holy Paradise, but the Holy Kaaba is greater in status than Jannat and as for the Blessed Grave of the Prophet (sallal Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam), then this is even greater than the Kaaba and more majestic than the Arsh of Allah which is the most Majestic station in the skies.

The Arsh is a creation of Allah and the Holy Prophet (sallal Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) is the greatest of all creation. It is thus very evident that the Prophet (sallal Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) being the greatest of Allah’s creation is without a doubt more exalted in position than the Arsh.

One can therefore not compare the pleasures and tranquility of Jannat. If one of the maidens of Jannat has to peep into the world, then through her beauty, the entire skies and earth will be lit up and be filled with fragrance. Her beauty will surpass the brightness of the sun and the moon. Her headgear is greater than the world and all its possessions. If a Hoor (maiden of Jannat) has to show her palm between the skies and the earth, then the creation will be plunged into turmoil due to her beauty. If she reveals her headgear, then its beauty will be more than that of the sun. The sun compared to the beauty of her headgear will be like a candle in front of the sun. If anything from Jannat equivalent to a fingernail has to fall onto earth then the entire skies and earth will be adorned by it. If the comb of a Jannati is revealed, then the brightness of the sun will be hidden. The smallest space in Jannat (even an amount of space that one needs to keep a dustbin) is greater than the world and all its possessions. Only Allah and His Rasool (sallal Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) know how vast Jannat is. The explanation for understanding is that it has one hundred levels. The distance between every two levels is the distance between the skies and the earth. As for the issue of how vast each level is, then no such narration comes to mind right now. It is mentioned in Tirmizi Shareef, that if all the worlds have to put into one level, then this one level is sufficient for everything. There is a tree in Jannat that if a fast horse has to ride in its shade for a hundred years, it will still remain under its shade. The doors of Jannat are so broad that from one end to the other of one door is the distance that a fast horse will travel in seventy years. With all this, the number of people that will enter Jannat will be so many, that they will be touching elbows struggling to enter. Because of the crowds of people, the doors will start to make noises. There are all types of Mansions therein, which are made of precious stones. They are so beautiful and pure, that the inside can be seen from outside and the outside can be seen from inside.

The walls of Jannat are made from gold and silver bricks, which are fixed together by musk. One brick will be made of gold followed by a silver one. The ground will be made of saffron and instead of stones; there will be pearls and other precious stones. It is in one narration that the bricks of Jannat are of white pearl, reddish diamonds, green emeralds. These bricks have been placed alternately and are bound by musk. Instead of grass, there is saffron, pearls instead of stones, and sand made from amber. There is a tent in Jannat, made from pearls. The height of this tent will be sixty miles. There are four rivers in Jannat. One of water, one of milk, one of honey and one of heavenly wine. There are streams which flow from each river into the homes of every Jannati. The streams in Jannat do not flow after being dug up, but they flow on the surface. The banks of each stream are of pearls and rubies and the sand below the water is made from musk.

The wine of Jannat is not like the wine of this world, which is overcome with a foul odor and a bitter taste and causes a person to become drunk, and lose his sense of justice. The wine of Jannat is pure of all the above-mentioned shortcomings (which are found in the wine of the world). The Jannatis will eat all the delicacies in Jannat. Whatever they desire for will appear before them. If a person sees a bird and wishes to taste its flesh, then immediately it will appear well cooked before him. If he thinks of water etc. then the Jug will come by itself in his hand. The jugs will have the exact amount of water, milk or honey in it that the person desires. There will not be one drop more or less than desired by the Jannati. After the person drinks from it, it will return to where it came from. In Jannat, there will be no impurities, such as urine, stool, nose fluid or ear fluid, etc. The Jannatis will only burp a fragrant and comfortable burp. One's perspiration will be fragrant and comfortable and this will cause all the food eaten to be digested. The scent of musk will be present in one's burp and perspiration. Every person will have the strength of one hundred men, to eat, drink and gain sexual satisfaction. Those in Jannat will continuously make Tasbeeh with intent and without intent like the flow of one's breath. There will be ten thousand servants standing at the head side of every person. Each one of them will have a bowl of gold and a bowl of silver in their hands, which will be full of all exalted and splendid things. No matter how much a person eats, the taste will never become less. In reality, the taste will increase. Every morsel will have seventy tastes and each taste will be better than the next, which will be felt simultaneously. The clothes of the Jannatis will never become old and they will remain young forever. When the first group of Muslims enters Jannat, their faces will be as bright as the full moon. The second Jamaats faces will be as bright as the brightest star. They will all live in harmony and there will be no disunity or jealousy amongst them.

From amongst the maidens of Jannat given to the men, there will be at least two such maidens, that even though they will be wearing seventy sets of clothes, their ankles will be seen through these clothes like red wine is seen through a clear glass and this is because Almighty Allah has compared them to rubies. If one makes a hole in a ruby and threads a string through it, then the string will be clearly seen through the precious gemstone. A man will see his face in her face more clearly than seeing in a mirror. The smallest pearl that she wears will be so beautiful, that it will give brightness from the east right up to the West. One narration says that if a man places his hand on her back, then he will be able to see it through her clothes and flesh. If the clothes of Jannat have to be worn in the world, then all those who see it will fall unconscious, and the sights of the people will not be able to bear its powerful rays. When a man goes to a maiden of Jannat, he will find her pure and chaste as the first time, but there will be no discomfort for the male or female. If a hoor has to drop her saliva into the sea, then because of the sweetness of her saliva, the entire see will become sweet.

It is in one narration that if the maidens of Jannat have to drop there saliva into the seven seas, then the seven seas would become sweeter than honey. When a person enters Jannat, then two maidens will sing to him at his head side in a very beautiful voice. There singing will not be the shaitaani songs of this world, but
it will be the Praise of Almighty Allah. They have such sweet voices, that the creation has never heard such a sweet voice. They will also sing a song in which they will say, ‘We are to live forever and will never die. We are those in comfort and will never be trapped in discomfort. We are happy and will never be sad. Congratulations to those who have become ours and we have become theirs. With the exception of hair on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows, the Jannatis will not have any other hair. An ordinary Jannati will receive 80 000 servants and seventy-two wives. He will be given such a crown that the smallest pearl in it will illuminate the entire east and west. If a person wishes to have a child, then they will become pregnant and have a child within a moment. They will not be older than thirty years of age. They will not feel the need to sleep since sleep is a kind of death. When the Jannati enters Jannat, then each will receive a status according to his or her deeds.

After a week, the Jannatis will be given the permission of vision of Almighty Allah. The Arsh of Allah will appear in one of the gardens of Paradise and the Jannatis will see Almighty Allah. Pulpits of Light, pearls, rubies, emeralds, gold, silver, musk and camphor will be laid for the Jannatis to sit on. None of them will feel inferior to another. They will see Almighty Allah so clearly, as every person sees the sun or the full moon from wherever He is (this is an example without comparison). Almighty Allah will address some of the Jannatis remindings of their sins and wrongs. He will say, ‘O certain person, the son of certain! Do you remember that which you did on such and such a day’ The person being addressed will humbly say, ‘O Allah, have you not pardoned me? Allah will say, ‘Yes I have pardoned you. It is through my Mercy that you have received this position. ‘Everyone will still be in this highly special condition when the sky will become overcast with clouds and a fragrance will rain upon them, and it will be a fragrance that they have never smelt before. Almighty Allah will say, ‘Go towards the place of respect which I have prepared for you and take as you desire.’ They will go towards a special market place which will be guarded by Angels. They will see those items, which they had never seen or heard off and nor did it cross their thoughts. They will be given whatever they desire. There will be no buying and selling. The Jannatis will meet with one another in this market place. The one with less status will see the clothes of the one with higher status and admire it. All of a sudden he will feel that his own clothes are the best. This is because there is nor sadness in Jannat. From there, they will each go to their respective homes. Their wives will welcome them and say that their beauty has increased and is now more than when they had left their homes. They will say that they have been blessed with the honor of sitting before Almighty Allah. It is for this reason that we have become so illuminated.

When the Jannatis wish to meet with each other, then either their thrones will move to wherever they desire or they will be transported by very swift animals. If they intend to visit any person or place, then their desire will be instantly fulfilled. The Jannati who will be of the lowest order will have wives, orchards, etc that will stretch out for a distance of a thousand years. The most chosen ones in Jannat will be blessed with having a vision of Almighty Allah morning and evening. When the Jannatis enter Jannat, then Almighty Allah will ask if they desire anything else. They will say, ‘You brightened our faces and entered us into Jannat. You freed us from Hell. There is nothing else we desire.’ Then, the veils will be removed and the Jannatis will have the vision of Almighty Allah. Could they receive anything greater and more valuable than the opportunity to have a vision of Almighty Allah?
‘O Allah Almighty, Bless us with the great opportunity of making Your vision through the blessings of Your Beloved, Generous and Merciful Prophet (sallal Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)’

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Rank Your Website With White Hat SEO



All major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo have primary search results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users.

My Services

1: Business Directories
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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Article Submission on High Quality Sites

article submission

Article submission generally refers to the writing of details that are relevant to your online business and then getting them added to the popular article submission directories.

The main purpose behind article submission is to attract a large number of visitors (and links) to your website without incurring a great cost. Obviously, it is important to make sure that the details you intend to submit are directly related or relevant to your business.

There are various benefits of article submission including advertising, marketing, and publicity of your business online. Two of the main benefits are:
It can enhance and improve the ranking of your online business.
Another benefit it provides is that of establishing the particular website owner as an expert in their industry. By providing valuable detail and information.

My Service is:

- 100% manually with white hat SEO Method
- High-Quality Backlinks
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Articles Details

Thursday, March 28, 2019

5 Simple Tips for Fitness and healthy Lifestyle

5 Simple Tips for Fitness

Congratulations on taking a forward step to get in shape and feel great. Many people are guilty of wishing they could get a sculpted body from eating junk food and watching TV all day. But that is just not going to happen. Even though getting in shape sounds like a long, time-wasting process, the effort put towards being in shape has many positive effects. If you want to start your journey to having a better body to feel great, here are some tips:U

1. Exercise Daily

Exercise daily for at least an hour. You do not have to kill yourself from running, jogging, etc., but you should have some sort of moderate physical activity in your everyday life. If you're looking to shed a few pounds fast, do a higher-level intensity workout. For example, going on a walk for an hour is great for your fitness. Or, you can jog and set certain intervals to sprint during that hour. Make sure you're not in severe pain during your workout. Just a warning, your muscles will ache after a high intensity workout. It may be irritating, but that means your body is changing for the better. Be sure to stay hydrated, stretch, and eat foods with a decent amount of protein after each workout. The protein will help keep your muscles, not fat, rebuilding.

2. Eat the Right Foods and Portion Each Meal

No matter how bad your stomach is telling you to go for candy over healthy food, try to stay away from sweets. Sugar from candy will not help you get in shape. Even if it's just a single candy bar, one will eventually lead to another. Fruits and vegetables are the best thing to eat when getting into shape. Apples, for example, do a good job at making the stomach feel full for up to 3 to 4 hours. Green vegetables such as green beans and broccoli keep the digestive system clean and running.

Also, stick to lean meats like turkey and chicken. Seafood, such as, shrimp, and tilapia are also great alternatives. These foods are full of protein and healthy nutrients to help keep muscles fit and ready for workouts. In addition, be sure to portion what you eat. Having a good metabolism comes from portioning meals. Try to plan out eating six times a day and setting smaller portions, rather than having three large meals throughout the day. This will also help you find yourself breathing smoother when working out rather than huffing and puffing for air. This is because you will have less food in your digestive system, which means more energy is used toward your exercise.

3. Keep Track of Calories and Food Intake Per Day

Keeping track of how many calories you eat in a day will be helpful in planning out your physical exercising. Ever wonder why body builders' body masses are so big? That's because they plan out their meals and take in more (healthy) calories than the average person. On the other hand, losing weight and striving for a skinnier physique will involve more physical exercise than calories you ingest.

4. Be Sure to Get Sleep

Even though most of us have eight-hour jobs during the day or night, it is crucial to get enough sleep to recharge the body's batteries. Six to eight hours of sleep will keep the body going throughout the day, but if you happen to feel tired at any point after coming home from work, by all means take a small nap before exercising. You should only nap for about a half hour. This will prevent you from staying up later in the night.

5. Stay Motivated

An important key to being in shape is to set goals and keep a positive mindset. If you stay positive, you will be able to push yourself to get that fit body you've always wanted.